In parallel-imports, a company specialised in the sale of medicinal products with special permission should be covered by the pharmaceutical benefits or not.


The work by C. Poget analyses how parallel imports of pharmaceuticals are affecting end consumer prices and drug expenditures in three Scandinavian countries, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Based on

In 2018, parallel imports accounted for 14% of turnover in the Danish market for medicinal products. Parallel-imported pharmaceuticals are original pharmaceuticals imported from another EU/EEA 2016-12-01 Parallel Import of Pharmaceuticals in the EU Scheuermann, Anna Department of Business Administration. Mark; Abstract Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country. 2015-03-19 The commercial rationale underlying parallel trade is the ability to buy goods in one EU Member State at a relatively low price and subsequently to resell them in another Member State where the price is higher. In the case of pharmaceuticals, this is incentivised by the considerable variations in drug prices between EU/EEA Member States. 2.

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Parallel import Application may be made for a marketing authorisation for the parallel import of a medicinal product, if the original product already has a valid marketing authorisation in Finland. The application form for a medicinal product imported in parallel refers to the valid marketing authorisation of the original product. Pharmaceutical imports into Turkey are regulated under the Pharmaceutical and Medical Preparations Law numbered 1262 (Law numbered 1262), while parallel imports and the exhaustion of rights principle are regulated by the Decree Law on the Protection of Trade marks numbered 556 (Trade mark Decree Law). Jul 5, 2016 The second defendant was a company that was set up to apply for and hold the product licences for parallel imports (PLPIs). Flynn Pharma holds  There have been proposals in the United States to permit parallel imports of pharmaceuticals from Canada (and other countries) in the last several years.

Parallel import of medicinal products is a lawful form of trade among the Detailed regulations on parallel import can be found in the Pharmaceutical Law Act.

Pris: 569 kr. E-bok, 2007.

Parallel imports pharmaceuticals What is PARALLEL IMPORT? What does PARALLEL IMPORT mean? PARALLEL IMPORT meaning - PARALLEL IMPORT definition - PARAL

PARALLEL IMPORT meaning - PARALLEL IMPORT definition - PARAL Pharmaceuticals suggests that trademark owners may now struggle to assert their rights against parallel importers. Speciality European Pharma v Doncaster Pharmaceuticals SEP was the UK distributor of a pharmaceutical product sold under different brands in the United Kingdom, France and Germany. These obligations are putting additional pressure on all in the pharmaceutical supply chain in the EU, not least parallel traders. Implications for parallel imports and parallel traders Parallel traders, who import medicines from lower-price into higher price markets, are considered ‘manufacturers’ under FMD, and will have to bolster their packaging and IT infrastructures. Parallel import Application may be made for a marketing authorisation for the parallel import of a medicinal product, if the original product already has a valid marketing authorisation in Finland. The application form for a medicinal product imported in parallel refers to the valid marketing authorisation of the original product. Pharmaceutical imports into Turkey are regulated under the Pharmaceutical and Medical Preparations Law numbered 1262 (Law numbered 1262), while parallel imports and the exhaustion of rights principle are regulated by the Decree Law on the Protection of Trade marks numbered 556 (Trade mark Decree Law).

In each case, the impetus for congressional action came from public pressures to step up imports from Canada, where regulations and price controls have generated prices for prescription drugs significantly lower than those across the border.3 permitting parallel imports among countries. In particular, we investigate the pricing and welfare implications of parallel trade of pharmaceuticals between two countries. Parallel imports are goods produced genuinely under intellectual property right (IPR) protection, Price Regulation and Parallel Imports of Pharmaceuticals Kurt R. Brekkey Tor Helge Holmåsz Odd Rune Straumex October 2014 Abstract This paper studies the e⁄ects of price regulation and parallel imports in the on-patent pharmaceutical market.
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• Pharmaceutical context: different prices for patented drugs in different areas of the world. • Parallel importers buy patented drugs in low-  Secondly, parallel imported pharmaceuticals may trigger price competition, which might also reduce prices of brand-name products and pharmaceutical  Branded ethicals & parallel imports. AAH is the largest pharmaceutical wholesaler in the UK, delivering over 15 million items a week to more than 14,000  Furthermore, this paper will solely focus on parallel importation within the EU, thus, parallel import of goods outside the EU will only be mentioned to the extent it is. There have been proposals in the United States to permit parallel imports of pharmaceuticals from Canada (and other countries) in the last several years. The U.S.  Parallel imports' benefits.

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Mar 20, 2015 A parallel imported medicine may be distributed under a licence obtained through a simpler procedure than that for the initial marketing  May 31, 2017 Advocates of parallel importation — this author included — have pointed to that may come from parallel imports of patented pharmaceuticals. The analysis is presented mainly in the form of accessibility to drugs in the pro- parallel import countries – the developing economies. Policy Implications.