den Medicago polymorpha (regniga alfalfa ), den Medicago arborea (trädalfalfa ) och Medicago falcata (gul alfalfa ) är andra arter alfalfa. Det finns till och med 


Medicago polymorpha L. var. arabica L. [bas.][more info]. Medicago polymorpha L. var. ciliaris L. [bas.][more info]. Medicago polymorpha L. var. coronata L. [bas.] 

sativum, Vicia spp. och Medicago sativa), utsäde. Lotus uliginosus, Medicago italica, Medicago littoralis, Medicago murex, Medicago polymorpha, Medicago rugosa, Medicago scutelatta, Medicago truncatula,  You searched for: polymorpha (Latin - Engelska). API-anrop Latin. Dreissena polymorpha Latin. Medicago polymorpha L. Stediklee , Medicago polymorpha muricata .

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Medicago polymorpha (Introduced) 4. dc.coverage.spatial, Brazos County, Texas , en. dc.creator, Amanda B. Cemper. Hide details. Creator; Licence.

Burr medic (Medicago polymorpha) has hairless (i.e. glabrous) stems and leaves. Its flowers are borne in small clusters, each containing 2-10 flowers. The coiled fruit (4-11 mm across) are covered in slender spines, or they are occasionally spineless and have a bumpy (i.e. tuberculate) surface.

tufningsträd , Steckåssen , s . n .

Medicago polymorpha

The cell wall contents of Medicago polymorpha hay were significantly increased with increasing maturity whereas crude protein content was decreased. The Acid  

Medicago polymorpha is a herbaceous legume that is native to western and central Asia and countries around the Mediterranean, and has been introduced widely around the world. It is found in particular in regions with a Mediterranean climate, but is by no means confined to them. Introduction has been a result of accidental transport of the spiny seed pods and probably also of deliberate Medicago polymorpha NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Medicago polymorpha is a nutritious and palatable forage and vegetable plant that also fixes nitrogen. Here, we reveal the chromosome-scale genome sequence of M. polymorpha using an integrated approach including Illumina, PacBio and Hi-C technologies.

M. polymorpha, with leaflets 8–20 mm long, apically denticulate, and legumes mostly 4–8 mm in diameter). Medicago praecox: Family: Leguminosae. Medicago polymorpha. Citation: L., Sp. Pl. 779 (1753) var. polymorpha. Synonymy: M. apiculata Willd., Sp. Pl. 3:1414 ( 1802); M. denticulata Willd., Sp. PI. 3:1414 (1802); M. denticulata Willd. var.
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Pimpinella anisum anis. dito. Ammi majus slöjsilja.

Kromosomantal i Medicago sträcker sig från 2 n = 14 till 48. Medicago polymorpha L. Medicago praecox DC. Humlelusern Medicago lupulina L. Klotlusern Medicago murex Willd.
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3 Jan 2008 Botanical name: Medicago polymorpha Family: Fabaceae (Pea family) Synonyms: Medicago denticulata, Medicago polycarpa 

Melilotus officinalis . L. Kleder , i . g . l  Tagglusern (Medicago polymorpha) är en växtart i familjen ärtväxter.